Tide Pool Week.

We got to speak two Sundays ago in Sacrament meeting. Our subject was based on modern prophets and how they can bring us closer to Christ. This is what I wore that Sunday. Cute.

Mario and Milo have really long hair which is fun for me because I can play with their hair. Their hair is beautiful and I pretty much take care of it like if they were little girls.

Milo has been really busy with his homeschool. He is getting better at writing his name and counting. We speak Spanish more often now. I don't want my children to be the only monolingual children around here, which is ridiculous but if your children don't speak more than one language you are not doing your job, at least in this area.

On Thursday I had my eyelid retraction surgery. It went pretty quick. I was so relax and I LOVE the drugs my doctor gave me to relax because I was awake the whole time. I am not in pain, I just look like I was in a car accident.

Mario has been working on hard in school and learning about tide pools. Look at the wonderful tide pool Mario and his  classmate built. He also design his own shirt too.

The boys love to be in our room. They try to keep us busy so we push their bed time but at the end of the night, both of them fall sleep before 8:30 pm. Yes, our room is tiny.

I also was hired to take the pictures for esharesinc.com I am still working on the pictures. It has been hard to edit them because I do rely on my left eye a lot and pretty much my eye is shut so I am half blind.Here is the website https://esharesinc.com/

Milo playing video games at Eshares meanwhile I was taking pictures.

Like I mention before, Mario is learning about tide pools, so Jared surprised us which a trip to Fitzgerald  nature reserve at Moss beach so we can see all the wonderful sea creatures. It was raining and the rode was very slickly.

We went too far and got to go thru this cool tunnel.

We finally got there. It was exciting but scary. Everything was really slippery and worst today because it was raining. Please enjoy my pictures.

We saved two jelly fish. It was exciting.

A sea star!!

This is the way out of the nature reserve.

We stopped at this cute fruit vendor at Half Moon Bay and got some strawberries and blueberries. I am planning to take the boys to pick up strawberries in May. I am excited. Allergic to strawberries but excited.

Life here is so busy and fast. I get overwhelmed very often because I am not use to a quick life style pace but I am sure doing awesome. There is always something going in on. I do enjoy doing absolutely nothing most of the time, it gives me time to reflect on this (which makes me miss Santa Fe a lot.)

Jenny Hobbs

Jenny Hobbs

Salt Lake City, UT